K Perumallapuram is a small Village/hamlet in Thondangi Mandal of East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It comes under Perumallapuram Panchayat. It is located 39 KM towards North from District head quarters Kakinada. 7 KM from Thondang, the Mandal headquarter. It is located on the proposed petro corridor of Visakhapatnam- Chennai.
Thondangi Mandal has a Lower Literacy Rate compared to the same of Andhra Pradesh. According to 2011 Census, the Literacy Rate of Thondangi Mandal is 58.02 % compared to 67.02 % of Andhra Pradesh. The Rate of Male Literacy stands at 63.63 %, while The Female Literacy Rate is 52.28 %. Total Population of K Perumallapuram is 10493
Colleges Near by
There is a Junior and Degree College in Perumallpuram called Universal Harward. Another Jr. College is there at Ontimamidi called Tripura Junior College which is 10 KM away from Perumallapuram Around 18 Km away from the College, there are VVS Educational Institutions in U. Kothapalli and about the same distance, there is S.S.D Junior College in Annavarm
Famous at Perumallapuram:
One must taste ‘Pakam Garelu’ ( Jaggery Flavoured Vadas)the Cuisine of Perumallapuram. Many people know the place for this sweet itself.
Socio- Economic Condition:
The College is located in Thondangi mandal and has a total population of 87,592 as per the Census 2011 out of which 44,412 are men while 43,180 are women and the Average Sex Ratio of Thondangi Mandal is 972.
People primarily depend on Agriculture and Fishing in the area.